The Lauter Tun

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Beer Geeks VS Beer Snobs

Are you a beer snob?

*Word to the educated, the layman, the professional, the amateur, the modest and the self-proclaimed "expert".

(Forewarning; as many individuals who read these newsletters don't know me personally, tone is often difficult to read in an email. Therefore, note the following is meant to be somewhat truthful but mostly playfully entertaining).

I am so very proud that The Lauter Tun has been visited, often frequently, by resident beer Connoisseurs. I'm sure many of you have seen them around the bar as some have earned the coveted title of "regulars." They typically congregate in one small section of the bar, with one eye on the taps and one on the bartender. Calculating how much beer is left in a keg, determining if they can finish it so the next new beer can be put on tap. Always asking what beers are coming in the order next week, why didn't we get more cases of Goose Island Bourbon County Stout, and why did we have High Life on tap for a month?! You can almost always hear them loudly arguing why one vintage of beer is better than another, or how different a Belgian Tripel is than a Belgian Golden Strong (there is little to no difference, especially on paper). They will gladly give you advice on which beer to drink next even if you don't ask. They are beer geeks, and beer snobs.

I being an admitted beer geek feel there are many splendid similarities between the geeks and snobs of beer.   Namely, their intense passion for beer. So intense in fact, if you do not enjoy beer, you may not be quite as welcome in their presence. Beer snobs and beer geeks are generally nerds at their core. Often wannabe brewers or beer scientists, video game enthusiasts, and NOT typically...ladies men. Relationships and work often play second fiddle next to the tasty, loving embrace of beer. As beer does not judge or waiver and beer will always be there when they need a friend. There is no such thing as a loyal craft beer drinker or "beer monogomy" as snobs and geeks are always looking for the newest, craziest, tastiest, rarest, most unique brews available. They dream of beers that they are unable to get legally in the state. They will gladly sell their souls for some Dogfish, Stone, Oscar Blues, Lost Abbey (beer we cannot currently get in Nebraska) among others. To those who are in relationships with a beer geek or beer snob...God bless you.

The largest difference between a beer geek and a beer snob is their acceptance and or hatred of "lesser" beers and those who consume them. I, being a bar owner, cannot discriminate against one type of beer or against one type of beer drinker. While I personally enjoy craft and import beers, I do not think less of those lighter, cheaper beers, nor those who consume them. I like asking patrons; Do you know what the BEST beer in the world is?!? It is whatever beer you like. If you like two-buck-chuck, Steel Reserve, or Natty Ice, then great. You are a cheap date. I may ask you to try a craft beer or import but I won't give you the stink eye when you return to your beer of choice. Geeks want you to expand your horizons and try new beers but won't force you. They feel that the world of craft and import beers is so amazing that they want you to join them on the journey. And they also want you to split the bottle and share the tab. 

Beware of the beer snobs. They are cold-hearted psychological killers. Avoid making eye contact. Do not ask if a craft beer bar has a domestic beer on tap while within earshot of a beer snob. Do not bring up anything regarding the making, bottling, storage, styles, glassware or consuming of beers in front of said beer snob unless you are prepared to get a tongue lashing. You do not know as much as they do, and they will prove it. They could have chosen a better drink for you, and they will tell you why. They mean well but don't have the social skills to express their emotions properly or with any tact whatsoever. However, you can generally shut them up two ways: Ask them to go home to their girlfriend (though it is a low blow), or buy them a beer. Take what they say with a grain of salt and then throw that salt in their beer.

All in all, the geeks and snobs just want everyone to enjoy good beer. While opinions differ on the definition of "good" beer, the fact is that, in general, local and craft beer is just that, CRAFT. It is an art form, a labor of love. It takes much longer and costs the brewers much more than you macro beers which is why they have earned such respect among the beer snobs and beer geeks.

So next time you see a beer snob or geek at a bar, move very slowly as to not agitate the yeast in his glass. Say hello, buy him a beer, but be warned, it will likely be a $30 bottle of rare oak-aged Belgian Quadrupel brewed by Monks. You will have a friend for've been warned.

Thanks to and for "donating your pictures" (I stole them...but doubt they were yours originally anyway :) )

If you are a lover of beer, from the Omaha NE area, or just want a beer zealot as a twitter follower, please check out our facebook page or follow me on twitter @the_lauter_tun and sign up for our newsletter if you want to hear about events and specials at my bar and in the Omaha area, or check out our website which has pictures, and descriptions of every beer we carry at  

Thanks so much for reading!

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